2019-2020 Tripen Ice AAA PeeWee Tryout Dates Announced
It is my pleasure to announce the tryout dates for the 2019-2020 Tripen Ice PeeWee season. The process will start off with an optional pre-tryout skate. The try-outs will take place over two weekends. The first weekend will be open to all players born in 2007 & 2008 interested in trying out. After the first weekend if numbers warrant the roster will be shortened and players will attend the final tryout weekend by invitation only. All players who participate in the try out process will receive an email regarding the final weekend selections.
The 2019-2020 Tripen AAA PeeWee Coach is Paul Monk.
Weekend 1 Pre-Tryout Skate (not an evaluated session)
Weekend 1 price= $40.00
Date: Sunday, August 25th
Time: 2 pm-3:30 pm and 4:30 pm-6pm
Place: Eastlink Events Centre, Clarenville
Birth Years: 2007-2008
Weekend 2 Phase 1 Tryout
Weekend 2 price= $80
Date: September 7th – 8th
Place: Eastlink Events Centre, Clarenville
Birth Years: 2007-2008
Day 1
Time: Saturday 12pm-2pm and 4pm-6pm
Day 2
Time: Sunday 9 am-11am and 12 pm – 2 pm
**Please note times for this weekend times are tentative as adjustments may have to be made if numbers are too large to ice everyone the same time. Exact times will be communicated after registration deadline. Players guaranteed a minimum of 5 hours ice time during tryout.**
Weekend 2 will be a combination of skills practice & games. More information regarding the tryout process of weekend 2 will become available prior to weekend 2.
Weekend 3 Phase 2 Tryout – Invite only
Weekend 2 price= TBD
Date: September 14th – 15th
Place: Eastlink Events Centre, Clarenville
Birth Years: 2007-2008
Day 1
Time: Saturday 12pm – 1pm, 2pm -2:50 pm and 4pm-5pm
Day 2
Time: Sunday 9 am-10 am, 11am – 12pm, and 1pm – 2pm
Weekend 3 will be a combination of skills, practice & games.
How to register
To register please email [email protected] and include the following information:
Player name:
Date of birth:
MCP number:
Minor hockey association:
Deadlines to register:
Pre-try out Skate – Tuesday, August 20th
Weekend 1 try out – Friday, August 30th
Please EMT payment to the above email address. Password: hockey
All payments must be made by registration deadlines. If there are any concerns regarding this request please contact me.
The [email protected] address can be used to contact Coach Monk or myself (Director of Operations).
We are excited about the upcoming try outs and season!!
We hope to see many of our Tripen PeeWees participate in the try out process!!
Yours in Hockey,
Jill Russell-Monk
Tripen PeeWee AAA DOP