TO: 2021-2022 Registered Male and Female School Hockey Teams
FROM: Craig Tulk, Executive Director, Hockey NL
DATE: September 21, 2022
RE: 2022-2023 School Hockey Registration Requirements
Please CLICK HERE for a copy of the school hockey team roster form along with the registration requirements for the 2022-2023 season.
Please keep in mind our new registration requirements. Each team is issued an allotment of twenty (20) registrants for the season. Notwithstanding this, each team may not register, at any one time, more than nineteen (19) players {seventeen (17) skaters and two (2) goaltenders}. Each team may also affiliate up to ten (10) players who are registered with a Hockey NL minor hockey team.
We will sanction leagues and tournaments that have all participating teams registered with Hockey NL as per our sanctioning and insurance guidelines.
Please ensure that you complete the registration form and file with applicable registration fees with our office prior to the start of your season. Please note the registration fee for players is $61.00 per player and the registration fee for coaching staff is $46.00 per person plus a Team Fee of $200.00 per team.
If you have any questions with respect to registration or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to call me at the branch office.
Craig Tulk
Executive Director, Hockey NL