Congratulations to Elena Hannem of Paradise Minor Hockey for being selected as Hockey NL’s Female…

Official of the Month
On behalf of Referee in Chief Ed Flood we are pleased to announce that Thomas…
On behalf of Referee in Chief Ed Flood, we are pleased to announce that Logan…
On behalf of Referee in Chief Ed Flood, we are pleased to announce that Brooke…
On behalf of Referee in Chief Ed Flood we are pleased to announce that Chris…
On behalf of Referee in Chief, Ed Flood, we are pleased to announce that Dedra…
We are pleased to announce that Andrea Rumbolt (Bonavista Minor) is one of our Officials…
Congratulations to Patrick Sheppard on your selection as one of our January Officials of the…
Congratulations to Ethan Power (Avalon Celtics Minor) who has been selected as one of our…
Congratulations to Rachel Saunders, (Bay Arena Minor, Mt Pearl Minor and Metro) who has been…