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FROM:      Jack Lee, President, Hockey NL              

DATE:       March 12, 2020

RE:            HOCKEY NL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


As noted in their media release, all Hockey Canada sanctioned activities have been suspended until further notice.  Hockey NL has been in constant communication with the Provincial Medical Officer of Health, our Medical Director, and Hockey Canada. Following consultations and communication, Hockey NL has made the unprecedented decision to also suspend all Hockey NL sanctioned activities until further notice, as of Friday, March 13, 2020.

Hockey NL is in full agreement with the decision of Hockey Canada. Members should know that this decision was not taken lightly.  Hockey NL fully acknowledges and recognizes the efforts by our volunteers, parents, coaches, officials, players, and fans. The welfare of all Canadians is paramount to Hockey NL and as such we shall do our part in securing their health and wellbeing.

Mr. Jack Lee
Hockey NL



What are Hockey NL sanctioned activities?

Hockey NL sanctioned activities include all games, playoffs, try-outs, practices, camps, team activities, programs including High Performance Program and Provincial, Regional, and National Championships.


What does “until further notice” mean?

The 2019-20 season is cancelled. The cancellation may extend beyond 2019-20.   






32 Queensway, P.O. Box 176, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2J4 Tel:  (709) 489-5512, Fax: (709) 489-2273

E-Mail: [email protected]  Internet: www.hockeynl.ca  Twitter:@Hkynl