Location: New CBS Arena




Aug 28th 7-8pm Goalie Session

Aug 30th 7-9pm Practice Sessions

Sept 1st 7-9pm Practice Sessions


Sept 11th 6-9pm Games

Sept 12th 6-9pm Games

Sept 13th 6-9pm Games


Dates are based on having four tryout teams.  At this point team may be selected however additional dates with reduced numbers may occur.  The cost for the practice and three 1.5 hour games per player will be $100 which will be collected before the practice sessions.  Independent evaluators will be involved with the selection of the team.  No player feedback will be provided after tryouts are completed.

Players interested in trying out for AAA must first complete the DJHL on-line registration process at www.djhl.ca and tick the box indicating that they wish to try-out for AAA prior to the DJHL try-outs. DJHL will pass along list of players to team staff.  The purpose of this is for parents only to complete process one time.

Please note once you have registered please send me an email with the following information: player’s name, position trying out for, Home association, and birth year. Once you register please send me this information as well! Registration deadline is Friday August 26.

Payment for AAA try-outs must be given to the respective Director of Team Operations upon request. (All AAA teams operate independent of the DJHL.) Payments for AAA try-outs may be completed through an email transfer to Kim Pelley at [email protected], password Tricom16. For those that would rather pay in person, I will be at the Tuesday August 30 skate from 7:30 – 8:30. I will also have receipts for those persons who paid via email transfer.

Thank You