Head Coach, Nick Saunders and Team Avalon’s coaching staff will be hosting tryouts for the 2018 NL Winter Games team (Male: 13 – 14 years of age as of December 31, 2017), which is being held in Deer Lake, NL in March. First tryout will take place on Dec. 27th at 10-12pm In Harbour Grace at the DCCC and a second tryout is scheduled for Jan. 3rd , at 7-9pm at the Placentia Arena. There will be no cost for tryouts.

The Avalon Zone consists of the following Minor Hockey Associations: Placentia, Trinity Placentia, CeeBee’s, Bay Arena, & CBR.

Registration deadline is December 20th.

Please email  [email protected] with the below information required to register.

Name of player



Association & Team playing for this season 

Email and phone # , mailing  address including postal code 


Team Avalon’s Coaching Staff looks forward to seeing everyone at tryouts! If further information is required please contact Head Coach, Nick Saunders, or any of the below staff.

Head Coach – Nick Saunders       [email protected]

Assistant Coach – Jonathan Lee [email protected]

Team Manager – Greg Elford      [email protected]

Thank You