On Bench Officials & Masks
TO: All Minor Hockey Associations & All School Hockey Teams
INFO: Board of Directors, Hockey NL
FROM: Craig Tulk, Executive Director, Hockey NL
DATE: December 4, 2020
RE: On Bench Officials
Please remind all coaching staff that wearing a Non-Medical Mask is mandatory for games and is required to be appropriately worn while coaching staff are on the players bench during competition.
Here is the link for information on the appropriate wearing of a non-medical mask: https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/non-medical-masks-use-in-public/
There is no exception to this requirement. Should a coach not be able to wear the mask over the nose and mouth due to breathing issues or other reasons, they are not permitted to coach during games. This is an important measure that is required by all coaches to reduce the spread of COVID-19 19.
It is the responsibility of the association’s administration to ensure this requirement is followed by all coaches. Game officials have also been instructed to assess a Gross Misconduct infraction and report to the branch president for further discipline should on-bench official not wear the non-medical mask properly. Please ensure this communicated to all coaching staff.
Also, reminder that the maximum number of on bench officials allowed on the players bench for a game is two (2).
Craig Tulk
Executive Director, Hockey NL