TO: All Minor Hockey Associations and Leagues / All Junior Teams & Leagues / All Senior Teams & Leagues
FROM: Craig Tulk, Executive Director Hockey NL
CC: Hockey NL Board / Hockey NL Council Executive Committees
DATE: June 30, 2022
As we prepare for our upcoming hockey season, we wanted to reach out to the membership regarding the annual obligations for membership under our new By-Laws.
We have attached an annual renewal application (Membership Application) form that we ask each member to complete in full and return to the branch office by August 1, 2022. The annual membership fee this year is $50.00. For those not attending the September AGM, the Membership Fee is $100. This fee will be included on our annual registration invoice that will be released on September 30th.
We will also require the following information with your renewal form:
- Complete list and contact information for your current Board or similar body.
- The most updated version of any governing documents you have such as Constitution, By-Laws, Policies etc. Please file any recent amendments to these governing documents.
- A copy of your most recent Annual Financial Statements. If you have an annual audit or review engagement from a qualified auditor, please file a copy of such.
- Please ensure, if you are a Minor Hockey Association that has a female program with a female team(s), that you report the name and contact information for your elected or appointed female representative on the attached Membership Application.
Should you have not had your Annual General Meeting and election of Officers, nor have had your financial report filed, please file the most recent board and previous financial report in the interim as well as the date of your AGM.
We remind all members to review the By-Laws of Hockey NL in relation to membership admission, obligations, maintaining good standing status, voting rights, etc.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the branch office.
Thank You