AAA Western Peewee Female Tryouts
Tryouts will be held in Rocky Harbour on Oct 19 and 20, 2013.
Tryouts are open to any girl registered in female hockey in their home association, players must play at least 50% of their regular season games to qualify for the year end tournament. Players must be 11 or 12 by December 31, 2013. Players may tryout for only one AAA regional team – either male or female.
The cost of tryouts is $75.
Here is the PeeWee schedule
Western AAA PeeWee Female
Tryout Schedule
Rocky Harbour Arena
Saturday, October 19th
10:45 am Registration
11:00 am Off Ice Warm Up
12:00 to 1:20 pm On Ice Practice1
1:30 to 3:30 pm Break
3:30 pm Off Ice Warm Up
4:30 pm Parent Question and Answer Session Upstairs
4:30 to 5:50 pm On Ice Practice 2
Sunday, October 20th
8:15 am Off Ice Warm Up
9:00 to 10:20 am Game
Note: All players are required to have running shoes and warm-up clothes for Off Ice Warm Up before each ice session. All players trying out are asked to make contact with Sharon Major at [email protected] or 635-3022 by Monday, October 14th to pre register.