March 22, 2017


Grand Falls-Windsor – The first phase of the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup program is now complete and Regional Winners have been selected from each Branch.   Hockey NL would like to congratulate the Bonavista Trinity Minor Hockey Association Pee Wee Cabots on being selected the winner for our Branch.     There were 82 video submissions from across the country. The good deeds were thoughtful, caring and meaningful, and the videos are really well produced including graphics and background music.  We are very proud of the young players on this team and the volunteers for their commitment to a worthy cause, and the production of such a quality video, once again proving that together we don’t just create great hockey players, we create great citizens.

Each regional prize consists of $2,000 to the Peewee Team, $2,000 to the charity of their choice and $1,000 to the Branch.

The public will have the opportunity to select the Grand Prize Winner for the National Good Deed Cup which will upgrade regional winner to the Grand Prize.


–          $10,000 to the Winning Hockey Canada Peewee Team

–          $5,000 to the Peewee Team’s registered charity of choice in Canada

–          $5,000 to the Team’s Minor Hockey Association

–          $5,000 to the Team’s Hockey Canada Branch

We encourage all of our members to join forces and vote for our own Bonavista Trinity Pee Wee Cabots. The  Grand Prize winner will be selected from among the Regional winners via public voting on which will be live from Mar. 23rd until Mar. 29th

To view their video visit


For more information please contact

Craig Tulk

Executive Director, Hockey NL

P.O. Box 176

Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

A2A 2J4

[email protected]

709-489-5512 office

709-486-0442 cell

709-489-2273 fax