Central AAA Peewee Icepak
Hi everyone,
Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to HNL on selecting me to coach this years Central AAA Peewee Icepak. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Glenn Casey. I am from Grand Falls-Windsor and was the assistant coach of this team last year.
I am very excited about this upcoming season and for those players selected to this year’s team, I hope they will have an enjoyable and memorable year. In saying that, the selection process will begin on September 13th and 14th. There will be three hours given on Saturday and again on Sunday. For both days tryouts will begin at 11:00am and end at 3:00pm and will take place at the Windsor Stadium in Grand Falls-Windsor. Cost is $60.00. As well, all parents must complete the registration form (CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM) which will accompany payment. Payment can be sent to the following address:
Central AAA Icepak
49 Dunn Place
A2A 2M2
Please see HNL website for further details.
These tryouts are taken seriously, so we are looking for those players who demonstrate not only strong hockey skills but also a strong work ethic and positive attitude and character. Explain to your child to take advantage of every opportunity they have while attending these tryouts and to come prepared. Remember, this team is representing Central Newfoundland and we want players who are committed and determined to do this region proud.
I am looking forward to seeing each of you. Any further questions you may have will be answered at the day of tryouts.
One final reminder, while jerseys MAY be provided please bring along a white and dark jersey in case there may not be enough.
Thanks again,
Glenn Casey
Head Coach
AAA Icepak