Tryouts for Central Peewee AAA will start on Sat. Nov. 3 . Registration cost will be $60 ( each player receives 6hrs of ice time) . Cash or cheque only (cheque made payable to Central NL Peewee AAA,)there will be a registration desk prior to each tryout. Registration must be paid in advance for players participate.


Tryout Times Location

Sat. Nov 3 12pm- 1:30pm Springdale

2:30pm- 4 pm Springdale

Sun. Nov 4 9am-10:30 am Lewisporte

10:30am -12pm Lewisporte

Sat Nov 10 times to be determined Glovertown

We are trying to sort players in different groups so forthose trying out please forward child’s name ,date of birth, and Association to:

Greg Edwards

Director of Operations Central Peewee AAA [email protected], 651-2023


Thank you