Central Peewee Female AA Tryouts
Peewee AA program is available to females born in 2007 and 2008. This program will allow players to experience a regional team play focused on continued skill development. League play dates will include:
– January 3-5 Harbour Grace
– February 14-16 Central
– March 6-8 Provincials and awards banquet Corner Brook
Tryouts will take place on Sunday November 24th from 1100-1200 hrs at the Botwood stadium and 0900-1000 hrs at the Gander Community centre Sunday December 1st.
Participants must attend at least 1 tryout hour.
Registration cost will be $30 payable at the start of tryouts by cash, or cheque (payable to Central NL Peewee Female AA).
Please bring a dark and light jersey with players name on the back.
Please keep in mind that focus, work ethic, and team play are crucial in this year’s selection process.
Please confirm your interest by Tuesday November 19th by emailing Sharon Canning at [email protected] with Name, Date of Birth, and Position preferred.
If you have any questions concerning this program please email Sharon.
Thank You