Eastern Female Peewee AAA Team Announced
The coaching staff of the Eastern Female Peewee AAA team is proud to announce the following players have been selected for the 2013-2014 season:
Abby Martin
Bethany Hynes
Breanna Bumstead
Chelsea Byrne
Clare Howie
Emily Hawco
Grace Smith
Izzy Weist
Jenna Connors
Jennifer Bidgood
Katherine Penney
Laura Cassell
Mackenzie Cahill
Shae-Lynn Clarke
Sydney Warren
Lauren McGrath
Lily Bertolo
The coaching staff would like to thank each player for trying out and congratulate all players for their efforts throughout the selection process.
Kris Parsons- Head Coach
Claire Lenehan- Assistant Coach
Keith Cassell- Trainer
Rich Howie- Director of Operations
Eastern Female PeeWee AAA Hockey