The Eastern Icebreakers Female Peewee AAA/AA tryouts are set to begin September 15th, full tryout schedule is below. All interested should send player information  via email to[email protected] by September 6th to ensure all players are covered by HNL for insurance purposes.

Information required for Tryout Registration:

  • Player Name
  • Date of Birth
  • MCP Number
  • Minor Hockey Association
  • Position Tryout out for
  • Shooting Hand
  • Tell us a bit about you as a player, hobbies, favourite movie/food or a funny story!

In accordance with the HNL female tryout process, all players must attend at least one weekend of tryout to be evaluated. 

We will be hosting a Info Session night to discus the upcoming 2019/2020 Hockey Season and the Female Peewee AAA/AA program, all parents and players are welcome to attend and are encourage to do so if trying out. The Info Session will be on Sept 4th from 7:00-830pm at the Glacier Arena, Mount Pearl. 

Parent/Player Info Session, September 4th @ Glacier Arena, Mount Pearl,  7:00-8:30pm 

Tryout Session #1, September 15th @Twin Rinks rink #1, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Tryout Session #2, September 21st  @Twin Rinks rink #2, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Tryout Session #3, September 22nd @Twin Rinks rink #2, 8:00am to 10:00am

Tryouts will be a mix of practices and games. 

Cost will be $120 a player.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further you can contact: 


Cynthia Lohnes 

Head Coach Peewee AAA Eastern Icebreakers

[email protected] or (709) 771-6813


Thank You