Female Eastern Icebreakers Pee Wee AAA /AA Tryouts
Female Eastern Icebreakers Pee Wee AAA /AA tryouts will start September 15, schedule below.
There may be an additional couple of sessions depending on the numbers.
Please let me know if your daughter is interested in AAA or AA or trying out for both.
Please email [email protected] with your daughters name, DOB, MCP & position trying out for.
Pee Wee AAA will have 4 weekends of play and AA 3 weekends of play, all players MUST play on a female or minor team as well if playing AAA/AA.
Tryout Schedule
September 15 6-7:00pm
September 22 12-1:00pm & 6-7:00pm
September 29 9-10am & 7-8:00pm
All sessions stated above are at Twin Rinks.
Tryout Fee is $90.00 and MUST be paid st the first tryout session.
If you have any questions please send email to address below.
Thank You
Female Eastern / Tripen Area Director
Hockey NL