TO:   All Hockey NL Associations/Teams/Leagues

FROM:  Tamar Hobbs, Senior Manager, Operations, Hockey NL

DATE:  July 9, 2024

RE: HCR Registration Restrictions

This past June at our AGM, the Board of Directors approved changes to our screening and registration process for the upcoming season. These were communicated to all of those in attendance.

Please note, when registering for the upcoming season, should an individual not have a current Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC), Criminal Record Check (CRC), and Declaration (Screening Application) showing on their HCR profile, Registrars will not be able to add them to a team.

VSCs and CRCs are valid for three (3) seasons unless otherwise stipulated for annual screening as per our policy. Members often encounter delays when applying for their CRC/VSC with the RNC/RCMP due to a # of reasons. EVERYONE is encouraged to do this as early as possible to reduce any delay in obtaining these clearances and participation.

Another restriction approved for this season includes Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders and Respect in Sport for Parents.  Should a member (player or staff) not have the required RIS course completed and showing under their Qualification Tab via the HCR, they will not be able to be added to a team until such time as the respective course is completed by either the Parent or Staff member.

The Respect in Sport for Parents is a onetime program that is required to be completed for first time registrants.  It is important to note, that if a family has a second or subsequent child they do not need to complete the course again but are required to link their child under the Child Management Section of the program.  When this is completed, it will alleviate any challenges the parent may face when registering their child.

Please note that these are both online courses and can be completed via the following links:

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders:

Respect in Sport for Parents:

It is important to note, that if a member is NOT approved on the HCR for Screening and/or Respect in Sport, they are not eligible or insured to participate in any practices or games unless a written exemption has been provided or until such time as they are registered and approved to do so within the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).

In addition, we will be releasing new Coach Certification/Qualification requirements for the 24-25 season August 1 along with the process for obtaining them.  Once this has been communicated to you, please ensure all of the volunteers within your organization are aware of these changes if applicable.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Hockey NL Branch Office.  Thank you for your time and volunteering with Hockey NL and helping us foster safe, fun, and inclusive hockey experiences.

Thank you,

Tamar Hobbs

Senior Manager, Operations

Hockey NL