CLICK HERE to Register! 

Purpose of camp:
– To identify players to invite to the HPP summer provincial camp in August 2015.
– 40 players and 4 goaltenders will be invited in the FU16, FU18, MU15 and MU16 levels*
– 50 players and 8 goaltenders will be invited to the MU14*
*Please note these numbers are subject to change

Camp: Female U16 & Female U18
Cost: $150.00
Location: CBS Arena
Dates: April 17-19
Registration deadline: Friday, March 27/2015

Camp: Male Under 15 & 16
Cost: $150.00
Location: Goulds
Dates: April 24-26
Registration deadline: Friday, March 27/2015

Camp: Male Under 14
Cost: $150.00
Location: Goulds
Dates: April 17-19
Registration deadline: Friday, March 27/2015

**Detailed schedules will be released 3-4 weeks prior to camp start dates

Payment options:
Participants are required to mail payment $150.00 (money order, certified cheque) to Hockey NL office with MEDICAL FORM. The medical form must accompany payment as we will use this to confirm players name with registration.
Medical forms are available by visiting the following link or email [email protected] for a copy. Payment with medical form must be received by Friday, April 3/2015

Medical Form CLICK HERE

Payment Mailing Address:
Hockey NL
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
32 Queensway, P.O. Box 176
A2A 2J4

Cheques made payable to Hockey NL

Additional Information:

Ages for Divisions:

Female U15 = 2000, 2001, 2002
Female U18 = 1998, 1999

Male Under 14 = 2002
Male Under 15 = 2001
Male Under 16 = 2000

Apparel: Players will receive a jersey to keep from the spring camp.

Exemption requests: Any player seeking an exemption request must email the Hockey NL office to request an exemption form – [email protected] – Requests are considered under education, compassionate and/or medical. All exemption requests will be subject to a $50.00 administrative fee. Exemptions do not guarantee the player a spot in the summer camp, all exemption requests will be reviewed by the HDC development chair. Any player(s) seeking an exemption request must fill out the exemption form along with an HNL medical form by Friday, March 20/2015.

Please note if you registered after March 20:
Refund Requests: After Friday, March 20/2015, refunds will only be available should a player become injured and be unable to attend at the time of the camp. Injury requests must be submitted with a medical note from your family physician listing the reasoning for the player being unable to attend. If the refund is approved, the participant will be subject to a $50.00 administrative fee. Refund requests must be sent to [email protected]