Hockey NL Announces the Winner for the Design the Cover Contest
GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, NL. – The winner has been announced in the UPS Design-A-Cover contest, which will see the winning entry printed on the annual Minor Hockey Directory booklet cover this season. Hockey NL produces and distributes over 1,000 booklets to their membership in all areas of the province.
Kerry Lynn Greene of Bishop’s Falls was chosen as the best design in the inaugural contest. There were a number entries received for the contest and Hockey NL would like to thank all those who took the time to enter in the contest.
Apart from the thrill of having their design chosen, Greene will also receive a new I-Pad compliments of Doug Bryson of UPS store # 83 located on Pearson Street in St. John’s.
“I’d like to congratulate Kerry Lynn on being chosen as this year’s winner of the UPS Store Design-A-Cover contest,” said Arnold Kelly, Chair, Minor Hockey for Hockey NL. “This contest gives our membership – whether they are players, parents or fans – the chance to be a part of the Hockey NL annual Minor Directory”
For more information please contact:
Craig Tulk
Executive Director,
Hockey NL
709-489-5512 office
709-486-0442 cell