Starting for the 2021-22 hockey season Hockey Canada has made changes to the Development 1 course. The course now is broken into 3 sections/steps and coaches will have to register for the 3 parts in the HCR. Coaches must complete the steps in order listed below.

  1. Making Ethical Decisions (MED) Training
  2. Development 1 – Online Training
  3. Development 1 – In Class Training


For both MED and the Online training coaches can register for the sessions that fit their personal schedule as these will take place virtually via Zoom for any coaches within Hockey NL. For the In Class Training coaches must register for one that they can physically attend in their zone.

1: Making Ethical Decisions (MED) Training:

The MED is similar to previous years but has now been removed as a stand-alone portion. Once complete coaches must complete the Online Evaluation through the Locker. This will be available 5 days after taking clinic. Registration can be found in the HCR under COACH – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – MAKE ETHICAL DECISIONS – HOCKEY”

2: Development 1 – Online Training:

This will take roughly 190 minutes. Coaches will complete a workbook throughout and once finished be able to take the final step of In class.

3: Development 1 – In Class Training:

This will take roughly 7.5 hours with at least 1 hour on ice. Coaches will complete and submit a post tasks booklet similar to previous years.

After Attendance:

Once the course is complete coaches must submit their post tasks to the facilitator for evaluation. Evaluation will take place either in person or virtually.


MED Coach Work Booklet: CLICK HERE