Hockey NL Statement
Hockey NL, on behalf of our dedicated volunteers, officials, coaches, players, and the entirety of their families, continues to monitor and evaluate the developments in hockey across Canada. The review and institution of meaningful change in our sport, and its governance, is at the forefront of our thoughts as we work towards a more transparent, collaborative, and safe future for all involved in our game.
Hockey NL believes in safe, fun, and inclusive hockey experiences. We continue to participate with our colleagues across Canada in the Governance Review led by the Honourable Thomas Cromwell. The decisions and communications of all of our member colleagues are also being monitored. As a group, Hockey NL has been proud to be a leader for inclusion with the implementation of our LGBTQ2+ policy and our recent launch of a Sexual Violence Prevention Program for our members. These programs demonstrate the position of Hockey NL as being committed to playing an active role in instituting meaningful change for our game and its members. Hockey NL believes in accountability, transparency, and responsible governance for all of our members and will be working to ensure the high standards we believe in are present within our game.
For more information, please contact:
Craig Tulk, Executive Director
Hockey NL
1 709 489 5512 office
1 709 486 0442 cell