Coaching NL has organized online training on “The Locker” which is the Coaching Association of Canada database for coaches. The Locker is a great tool and allows you to create online registration for coaching events, run reports on historical coaching courses within your sport and search for coach transcripts.

In order to gain access to The Locker you need to take part in the one hour training. The training will take place Monday, April 13th beginning at 7pm NL time. This event is open to anyone but please note that in order to gain full access to the Locker you MUST be approved by your PSO and NSO in order to gain the proper permissions.

If you are interested in taking part in this training please let me know.

Thank you.

Bill Taggart

Project Leader- Canadian Sport 4 Life

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (709) 576-4979

Fax: (709) 576-7493

1296A Kenmount Road

Paradise, NL

A1L 1N3