Minor hockey was first organized and designed to provide boys (girls) in all age groups an opportunity to participate in an organized hockey program at his (her) particular skill level within an age group. Organizations were organized as follows:
Recreational Hockey – to provide facilities, leadership and protection to all those who desired to play.
Competitive Hockey – to provide all the essentials required for Recreational Hockey, plus organized competition, skill and tactic training for those possessing the ability and having the desire to compete.
Development Hockey – to provide all the essentials required for Competitive Hockey, plus additional ice time to develop skating and skills and a progressively higher form of competition for those who would choose a professional career in hockey.
Programs were also designed to aid in physical development, to instill a sense of good sportsmanship and fair play, to encourage players to mix freely, and to broaden the players’ education.
The players’ obligations are spelled out in the Player’s Creed:
AS AN ATHLETE, I will obey my coach’s training rules and keep my body healthy by observing all the rules of good clean living.
AS A SPORTSMAN, I will play the game according to the rules of the game displaying at all times fair play and a respect for the abilities and rights of others.
AS A STUDENT, I will carry out my academic assignments both in school and in home and obey my teachers and other instructors at all times.
AS A SON, I will respect my parents and heed their advice at all times.
AS A JUNIOR CITIZEN, in training for adult contributions to my community and country, I will observe the tenets of my religion at all times and associate with youth groups in my community to learn worthy social attitudes and to contribute to the community’s social welfare.
AS A CANADIAN, whether native or by choice, I will bear in mind the proud heritage of my country and so conduct myself as to add to it.
These are sound foundations on which to build a good minor hockey program.