TO:                  All Minor Hockey Associations / All Junior Teams & League / All 2019-2020 Registered School Hockey Teams / On -Ice Officials

FROM:            Dr. Jared Butler, Chair, Risk Management Screening Committee

DATE:             November 10, 2020


As you are all aware, screening with a Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) are required by all members of Hockey NL prior to their participation in Hockey NL sanctioned events across all Divisions of Hockey.

We encourage ALL associations/teams/leagues to have their coaches and volunteers complete these checks immediately.  The safety and welfare of all of our members, especially those most vulnerable, is our top priority.

A copy of the Screening Policy is attached that came into effect January 1, 2020.  Please note there were a number of changes to this policy with the biggest change being the requirement of submitting your Criminal Records and Vulnerable Sector Checks from every 5 years to now every 3 years.  

Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office or to myself via email at [email protected].

Thank you for supporting the safety of all our members.


Dr. Jared Butler

Chair, Risk Management Screening Committee

VP and Medical Director, Hockey NL