Tri Pen AAA Peewee Female Tryouts (Schedule Change)
This is a reminder of the upcoming Tryouts for Tri Pen AAA Peewee Female Tryouts for the weekends of Aug 27/28 & Sept 17/18.
Please note time changes for Sun., Aug. 28th & Sun., Sept. 18th.
Sat., Aug. 27th 10:30am-12pm & 2:30pm-4pm
Sun., Aug. 28th 2:30pm-4pm
Sat., Sept. 17th 4:30-6pm & 8pm – 9:30pm
Sun., Sept. 18th 2pm-3:30pm
Registration fee is $80.
Any questions or concerns please contact any of the following.
Mike Drover – Head Coach
Derek Guy – Assistant Coach
Betty Guy – Trainer
Thank You