Midget players from the Trinity-Placentia zone of Hockey NL are invited to try outs for the Tri-Pen Minor Midget AAA. Try outs are open to all registered players in the Trinity-Placentia Zone of their respective minor hockey associations.

There is one warm up tournament this year as well as the Provincial Ttournament in Grand Falls – Winsor. There will be opportunities for more tournaments as well.

First try-outs will take place at Cabot Stadium in Bonavista on Sunday, October 20th at 10:00 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. with remaining try-outs to be announced.

Registration will take place at the arena and the fee to participate in the try-outs is $90.00.

In an effort to speed up the registration process at the try outs, can all those players interested please e-mail the Director of Operations, Carmelita Warren at [email protected]

Thank You