Tri Pen Ice AAA tryouts will start this Friday, October 11.  Registration cost will be $60.00.  

Each player will receive 6hrs of ice time.  Cash or cheque only (cheque made payable to Tri Pen Ice Pee Wee AAA ). 


We are trying to sort players in different groups so for those trying out please forward your child’s name, birth date and association.


Please bring a white and dark jersey of your home association.


Please forward info to [email protected]


Friday,     October  11      5-6pm at Whitbourne Arena (practice), 7pm. “Parent Meeting” 


Saturday, October  12.    7-8pm at Whitbourne Arena. (Practice)


Saturday,  October. 26.    4-5pm at Placentia Arena.  (Game), 5-6pm at Placentia Arena.  (Game)


Sunday,     October 27.    11-12:30pm Placentia Arena.  (Game), 12:30-2pm   Placentia Arena.  (Game)




Carolyn Petten


Tri Pen Ice Pee Wee AAA
Director of Operations 

