TO:              All Minor Hockey Associations and Leagues

FROM:         Gonzo Bennett, Chair, Minor Council Executive Committee, Hockey NL

Cc:              Hockey NL Minor Council Executive Committee

DATE:          October 12, 2022


U7 and U9 Season Structure 

Nothing has changed with the U7 or U9 program and we continue to follow the cross ice/½ ice hockey model and the recommended practice to game ratio as per Hockey Canada pathways. Associations who employ full ice practices and games will be subject to sanctions.


U7 can host 1 jamboree and travel to 2 jamborees for a maximum of 3 jamborees. Associations can start jamborees after Dec 15th, 2022, with approval from their area members. All jamboree sanctioning must be submitted three weeks prior to the hosting date.

U9 programs must be in operation for a minimum of 1 month before an association can host or travel to a jamboree. Associations can host 1 jamboree and travel to 3 jamborees for a maximum of 4 jamborees. All jamboree sanctioning must be submitted three weeks prior to the hosting date.

NOTE: All bench staff must have completed their C1 coach clinic to be eligible to participate in jamborees at the U7 and U9 level.

Yours in Hockey,

Gonzo Bennett

Chair, Minor Council Executive Committee,

Hockey NL