U7/U9 Pathways
TO: All Minor Hockey Associations
INFO: Minor Council Executive Committee
FROM: Gonzo Bennett, Chair Minor Hockey
DATE: October 27, 2021
RE: U7/U9 Pathways
With the 2021 season up and running it is a good time for some reminders regarding the U7 and U9 pathways that are mandated by Hockey Canada and Hockey NL. These programs are in place for the development of our young players, and it is the responsibility of our minor hockey associations, presidents and executive boards to ensure that these pathways are being followed.
This notice is a reminder that all associations should be following the U7 and U9 guidelines as set out by Hockey Canada. These guidelines stipulate that all practices and games for the U7 and U9 divisions be cross ice (U7) and half-ice (U9). The links to the Hockey Canada pathways are included below and they provide valuable information for ice setup and recommendations on how to implement your programs. All associations are expected to follow these pathways and a failure to do so could result in sanctions for the association.
Attached to this memo you will also find the seasonal structure for the U7 and U9 programs. U7 jamborees cannot start until December 15, 2021, and U9 jamborees cannot start until one month after your U9 program has commenced. U7 teams can host one jamboree and travel to a maximum of two others. U9 teams can host one jamboree and travel to a maximum of three others. Sanctioning and travel requests should be requested through your area member.
If any association has questions, they can contact their area member who will gladly provide more information and support. Good luck with your season.
Hockey Canada Pathways Links:
U7 https://hockeynl.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Timbits-U7-Pathway-e.pdf
U9 https://hockeynl.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/U9-Pathway-e.pdf
Yours in Hockey,
Gonzo Bennett – Chair, Minor Hockey
Hockey NL