For immediate Release

October 22, 2020

Grand Falls-Windsor, NL-   Hockey NL announced today, the Newfoundland Labrador Under-18 Major Hockey League (formerly known as Newfoundland Labrador Major Midget Hockey League) has been provided the approval to return beginning this coming weekend.

The League received permission from provincial Public Health to allow teams to proceed with inter-regional competition in three regional health authority boundaries this hockey season.  

Hockey NL, in partnership with the Newfoundland Labrador Under-18 Major Hockey League have worked diligently with Public Health over the last few months to build a safe return to hockey plan.  

There are five teams in the Major Hockey League, namely, East Coast Blizzard, Pinnacle Growlers, Tri Pen Osprey, Central Impact and Western Kings.  The teams cautiously began their return to hockey plans in August of this year going through the first three phases of the Hockey NL Return to Hockey Guidelines. The teams have followed all requirements and will be entering phase four this weekend; returning to a new normal of play.

The league will continue with games following Public Health Directives and complying with Sport Guidance and Arena Operation Guidance.   

Approval was granted after careful consideration by Public Health, given the Major Hockey League is the only true provincial travel league, among all provincial sport organizations.  The league has instituted strict public health protocols.  Only two teams will be playing in the venue on a given time and off-ice interactions between teams are not permitted. 

This provincial league features the top 15-17 year old players in the province and approval of the Major Hockey League to proceed will allow players to develop and compete this season, while advancing their future opportunities in the game.

Hockey NL continues to collaborate with other leagues and member associations to ensure all stakeholders have the chance to return to hockey safely this season.  Hockey NL has made some changes in programming to provide the best opportunities available for all divisions/categories while following guidelines and directives from all levels.

For more information on the Newfoundland Labrador U-18 Major Hockey League


For more information on the Hockey NL’s Return to Hockey.

Craig Tulk

Executive Director, Hockey NL

P.O. Box 176

Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

A2A 2J4

[email protected]

709-489-5512 office

709-486-0442  cell

709-489-2273 fax