Please be advised, that due to low registration numbers we have cancelled the Coach 1 and Coach 2 Female clinics in Springdale for this weekend.

We are looking at possibly rescheduling this clinic in the future….dates to be announced.



Chad Brinson

Technical Director

Hockey NL

Office: (709) 781.6229

Fax: (709) 489.2273

Twitter: @Hkynl

[email protected]





There will be an ALL Female Coach 1 and Coach 2 course in Springdale on Nov 2 and Nov 3.

This will be free for female coaches with funding provided through Hockey Canada We are Coaches program. Travel expenses are to be the responsibility of the coach. Linda Massie with be facilitating this course.


Please see below link for registration:

Coach 1:
Coach 2:

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Bouzane or Chad Brinson

Debbie Bouzane 

Chair Female Hockey

[email protected]


Chad Brinson

Technical Director

[email protected]