Western Midget Tryouts Rescheduled
Hey parents & players,
We have enough interest to proceed with selecting a minor midget team. As such, two try-out dates have been confirmed:
Saturday, December 19th 3:30-4:30pm at the Main Arena, Civic Centre, Corner Brook
Monday, December 21st, 8:00-9:00 pm at the Kinsmen Arena, Civic Centre, Corner Brook
Try-out costs are $30…payable at the door before you get on the ice. We will have a sign in table set at the Kinsmen Arena. Where the name and postion of the child will be recorded.
If you are unable to make either of these dates, but are still interested in being considered for minor midget, please contact one of the people listed below. Those players with games already scheduled (Deer Lake & Stephenville) and for basketball you will be excused for Saturday but are encouraged to try out on Monday night.
The coach for this team is Jamie Brake. There will be two exhibition tournaments prior to the provincials (not scheduled yet), but will take place on the west coast and in central. We will be looking for more coaching staff at a later date, so feel free to leave your name at the sign in table and you will be contacted later.
A parent meeting will also be called when the team has been officially announced.
Provincial tournament is in Labrador (Lab City) and is February 26-February 28, 2016. Cost of a plane ticket will be about $900.00. By trying out, you commit to your child traveling to Labrador for the provincials. Hotel rooms have been confirmed, and we can put 4 players in a room to cut down on costs if agreed upon at the parent meeting. Parents do not need to travel to Labrador. If you have other ways for your child to get to Labrador, that is fine, they do not have to travel with the group. They just have to be there on time!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact one of the people listed below.
Thank You,
Renee Gallant & Tracy Easton
Acting Parent Reps