TO:             All Hockey NL Member Associations/Teams/Leagues

FROM:       Chad Brinson, Technical Director Hockey NL

DATE:        October 19, 2020

RE:             Hockey NL 2020-21 Clinics 


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, as we begin the 2020-21 season our NCCP Coach Clinics will have a different look than historically.  For this season only, we have relaxed to help accommodate Social Distancing practices while following direction from Public Health.

Option 1- The following are the minimum requirements for 2020-21 season only:

Coach 1:

  • Hockey University: NCCP Coaching Program Online – Coach 1/2
  • Hockey University: RTH Safety Guidelines (new)
  • Respect in Sport – Activity Leader

Coach 2:

  • All those listed above
  • Hockey University: Checking

Option 2 – Limited clinics will also be offered virtually and in person (if possible) if coaches wish to take part. The Coach 1 and Coach 2 will be offered virtually via Microsoft Teams. Coaches would sign up for the clinic as normal but will receive a link to take part in the clinic virtually.

Plan for Clinic Delivery for the 2020-21 Season:

  • Starting in November we will offer a minimum of 3 Coach 1 virtual clinics for all coaches across Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Starting in November we will offer a minimum of 3 Coach 2 virtual clinics for all coaches across Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Offer 1 Coach 1 in class session per region if possible.
  • Offer 1 Coach 2 in class session per region if possible.

Please note our clinics are now posted on line and can be viewed via the following link: .  For all clinics starting in the 2020-21 season, participants must be registered with clinic fees paid before attending the clinic either virtually or in person.

Thank you and should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Chad Brinson

Technical Director

Hockey NL