Central Thunder AAA Midget minor team are glad to announce the players that have been successful in making the team for the 2017/2018 season. The coaching staff would like to thank all players for trying out. The Central Thunder are soliciting names to help fill out there coaching staff, 2 assistant coaches and a trainer are needed, so if your interested please fill out an application, which you can get from this link http://www.hockeynl.ca/coaches/forms/hnl-midget-aaa-staff-application-form-8/ and send it to the HNL office to Tamar @ [email protected] or Fax it at 709-489-2273.

Burt Riley
Carter Noah
Corkery Kyle
Dillon Josh
Edwards Devin
Gill Josh
Hicks Matt
Jenkins Jacob
Murray Jacob
Myles Kody
Oram Cameron
Paul Riley
Piercey Ethan
Rowsell Josh
Pye Evan
Ralph Draydan
Simms Jaden
Temple Alex
Winsor Cole