Head Coach Jai Burton and assistant Coach Lindsey Small are excited to be a part of the Central Midget Female AAA team this year. Any female hockey players born in 2003, 2002 and 2001 are welcome to try out for the 2018-2019 team this weekend in Gander:

Saturday, Sept 15th – 11:00-12:00 pm and 1:00-2:00 pm at the Gander Stadium

***Second Tryout date To be determined

Registration cost will be $100.00 payable at start of the tryout by cash.

All players are asked to bring a light and dark jersey with a number on jersey to tryouts. Please make sure there is NO identification on the jersey (no name, association, etc…)


Please keep in mind that focus, work ethic, and team play are crucial in this year’s selection process.

Please forward completed information to the email below.

Players Name, Address, DOB, Parents/Guardian, Email address,

Phone#, Home Association, Preferred Position.


**Please note that medical forms will need to be filled out before players can go on the ice.  These will be available upon arrival at the stadium or you can get the form on the HNL site and either bring it completed to tryouts or forward to email.


Sharon Canning

Central AAA Female Rep

[email protected]