Coaching Applications Now Accepted for Peewee Female & Bantam Female AA Programs
Coaching Applications are being accepted for Peewee Female and Bantam Female AA Programs
AA Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Director of Operations and Trainer applications will be accepted until October 19,2019
Team Selection:
- The try out process will be open to all the players that attended the AAA/AA tryouts and have been named to the AA Team.
- There will be external evaluators for the tryout process.
- Tryouts will be announced for each zone and posted on Hockey NL website with registration details.
Program Operation:
The Peewee and Bantam AA program will allow players to experience a regional team play focused on continued skill development and fun. League play will include:
- Warm up – January
- Mid-season tournament – February
- Provincials March – Awards Banquet – March 6-8, 2020 (Corner Brook)
Both AAA and AA will follow ‘Discretion 1’ ice time rules as outlined in the Minor Hockey Rules.
Please CLICK HERE for a copy of the application form.
Please send applications to Debbie Bouzane at [email protected].
Thank You