FROM:           Jack Lee, President, Hockey NL              

DATE:            June 4, 2020

SUBJECT:   Hockey NL Confirms Launch of Return to Hockey Initiative


Today Hockey NL confirmed full support of Hockey Canada’s Return to Hockey Safety Guidelines. In their June 4th statement, Hockey Canada announced details allowing its member branches to independently sanction hockey activity in accordance with Hockey Canada’s Return to Hockey Safety Guidelines along with Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Health Authority direction.

We have initiated a return to play framework. We have formed a provincial Return to Play Workgroup, which is made up of individuals from a diverse background and expertise, to build a framework on how we can return to the ice this coming season safely.  We will utilize the recent commissioned Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines, in conjunction with NL’s Chief Public Health Office Guidelines for hockey’s return. The Return to Play Workgroup has been preparing a document on how hockey can return in NL this upcoming season. Hockey NL has also been working closely with provincial Arena Facility administrators and will collaborate with Sport NL through the process.

Hockey NL’s current sanctioning guidelines do not allow for on-ice activities to begin until after August 1st  annually, and it’s important to be right in the measure we take to return. Once we have the return to play measures in place and have received the approval of the authorities, we will be in a better position to determine and announce when we may be able to return to the ice this season.

Off-ice activities can be resumed, so long as the activities follow the Chief Public Health Office’s directives and the off-ice activity received sanctioning by Hockey NL through normal Special Event’s Sanctioning Form.   

Hockey NL will continue to provide up to date information on our website

Yours in Hockey,

Jack Lee
President,  Hockey NL