Hockey NL High Performance Program – Summer Provincial Camp Moves to Corner Brook Beginning 2018
For immediate release
Wednesday, June 7th
Hockey NL High Performance Program – Summer Provincial Camp Moves to Corner Brook Beginning 2018
Hockey NL in partnership with the city of Corner Brook and the Corner Brook Civic Centre are proud to announce the High Performance Program (HPP) summer provincial camp will be held in Corner Brook beginning August 2018, for three years with an option for renewal in 2020. The program was last held in Corner Brook in 2003.
The announcement was made official today by Hockey NL President, Jack Lee and Hockey NL Development Chair, Ken Chafe. “We are extremely excited to host this substantial program in Corner Brook at the Civic Centre with all of the amenities it has to offer”, stated President, Lee.
The High Performance Program exposes both male and female participants to high level of coaching and training methods, developmental and education curriculum, consistent evaluation criteria and standards. The program is the vehicle used to identify the top players in the province for provincial, as well as, future regional and national teams, including the Canada Winter Games teams every four years.
The Corner Brook Civic Centre will be the main host to the provincial camp, with two ice pads running over an 8-day period, the camp will welcome close to 250 athletes who have been selected from Spring Identification Camps. The Male Under 14, U15 and Female Under 16, U18 will run together for the first 5 days with the Male Under 16 program finishing the camp with the remaining 3 days.
The Mayor of Corner Brook is honored to host this event. “We are proud to work with Hockey NL to offer the High Performance Program – Summer Provincial Camp in the City of Corner Brook for the next three years. We are excited to have an opportunity to showcase our community and support young athletes as they immerse themselves in becoming exceptional hockey players. Congratulations to each of the selected participants and we want to wish you all the best,” remarked Corner Brook Mayor, Charles Pender.
The Corner Brook Civic Centre will put the ice down on both the main arena and Kinsmen 2 for the duration of the camp. On-site the Civic Centre has built in multimedia presentation rooms, a full gymnasium for fitness testing and daily dryland training, meal hall, and over 10 dressing rooms for players/coaches, plus additional medical and equipment rooms for training staff.
The HPP summer provincial camp will begin in Corner Brook in August 2018, the official dates will be announced at a later date.
Craig Tulk
Executive Director
Hockey NL
(709) 489-5512