June 7, 2017

Media Advisory

Hockey NL will announce a new plan for the upcoming season that will target Concussion Awareness and Recognition and address player safety during the Annual General Meeting in Gander this weekend.  Partners in this paramount initiative will be present for the announcement and representing the following partners;

Government of Newfoundland Labrador

Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association. 

All media as well as delegates attending the Annual General Meeting are invited and encouraged to attend the announcement.


Friday, June 9, 2017


5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. (NST)


Salon E/F – Third Level Albatross Hotel

114 TCH

Gander, NL

The following will be in attendance:

Jack Lee, President, Hockey NL

Dr. Jared Butler, Medical Advisor, Hockey NL

Honorable Dr. John Haggie, Minister of Health and Community Services, Government of NL

Dr. Lynette Powell, Director at Large, Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association

Mayor Sheila Fitzgerald, Small Towns Director, Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador