Hockey NL Releases Statement on Marco AAA Bantam Provincials
March 11, 2019
Following notification of possible carbon monoxide (CO) exposure on (Friday March 8, 2019) during the Marco Provincial Bantam AAA Championships at the Bussey-Horwood Arena, host association representatives communicated with the management staff of the four teams participating in the event on the advisory of Eastern Health and to seek medical attention. All scheduled games were cancelled for the day.
The first priority of tournament organizers was the health and well-being of the players, coaches and spectators who were in the arena that morning. Hockey NL mandates that each team has trained risk manager and safety personnel at each game. As soon as the safety person for one of the teams identified concerns with the air quality and player conditions, they reported it to arena management as per the arena safety protocols.
After extensive consultation with provincial administration and respective team managers on March 8th, and after considering many factors and scenarios, the decision was made to investigate ice availability within proximate venues. Three of the four teams advised organizers the next day, that both their players and coaches had no concerning symptoms and were able and committed to compete. A revised schedule was prepared.
Hockey NL representatives had constant communication with teams and clearly advised them that they will only be scheduled to play with their approval and good health.
Currently there are three games remaining in the competition to determine the provincial representative for the 2019 Atlantic Bantam AAA Championships scheduled for April 4-7, 2019. We are expected to have a decision made by the end of the week regarding the remaining games and competition for a provincial representative.
Hockey NL would like to express acknowledgement of the teams and parents who reported this to the arena management and also thank the entire staff with Eastern Health who responded to all patients the last few days.
For more information, please contact:
Craig Tulk
Executive Director, Hockey NL
P.O. Box 176
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
A2A 2J4
[email protected]
709-489-5512 office
709-486-0442 cell
709-489-2273 fax