June 5, 2024




13 Annual Award Recipients and 8 New Hall of Fame Elections Happening as Well


Grand Falls-Windsor

Hockey NL is holding their Annual Meeting this weekend at the Albatross Hotel in Gander June 7-8, 2024.

The weekend will kick off on Friday night with the Annual Awards Ceremony to recognize volunteers who have made a significant contribution to the organization.   Hockey Canada reports and presentations will be delivered Friday evening as well.

Each division of hockey in the province will hold separate operational meetings on Saturday morning to report on the year and prepare for the next hockey season in their respective categories, with the Annual Meeting of the Members being held on Saturday afternoon.  The association has seen a 6% increase in participation from the previous hockey season and an astonishing 32% increase in registration of Women and Girls since Covid 19, the highest increase in Canada over that time.

“We have had a very successful season in not only participation numbers, but also in the results from our teams and players.  We are quite proud on the growth of Women and Girls hockey, and we want to continue this momentum in years to come”, says Jared Butler, President of Hockey NL.

Saturday evening Hockey NL will induct 8 new members to the Hockey Hall of Fame.

For a complete list of agendas and topics, please  CLICK HERE.

For more information please contact:

Craig Tulk

Pronouns (He/Him)

Executive Director

Hockey NL

P.O. Box 176

32 Queensway

Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

A2A 2J4


Tel :  709-489-5512

Email :  [email protected]