Stephanie has been actively coaching for 5+ years with St. John’s Minor Hockey Association and the AAA Programs.

Write up submitted:

“Stephanie has been involved with coaching both minor and female hockey for a number of years now. She has coached all levels from female house league to U18 Female Team Atlantic. Her love of the game and the players has allowed her to constantly develop and improve her coaching skills. This year was a difficult one for the AAA Female Program as the Covid 19 restrictions meant that teams were limited to practice only. That did not stop Stephanie from offering the players on her team a top notch program. From well organized skills and  drills to zoom meetings that incorporated both fun and learning the U15 Female Eastern Ice Breakers benefitted from Stephanie’s dedication.”


Stephanie will receive a coaching package from Hockey NL for her efforts, including: Hockey NL CCM coach bag, 3M Tape Tiger, FOX 40 whistle, Bauer polo shirt and other various items.

Keep up the great work Stephanie!