Nominations for Council Positions Now Being Accepted
The Nominating Committee is currently accepting nominations for individuals to serve on the Hockey NL four council executive committees beginning in the 2022-2023 season.
Nominations must include: (i) Nomination form signed by a duly authorized Member representative and by the candidate (attached); (ii) Candidate’s resume (optional and no more than 2 pages) including education background, employment background and volunteer/sport experience, including experience with Hockey NL.
Nominations shall be submitted electronically to the registered office of the corporation via email with a read and delivery receipt to [email protected] no later than August 2, 2022. Nominations received after that date will not be considered, with the only exception being if there are no candidates nominated, we will allow nominations from the floor during the Annual Meeting.
The Nominating Committee will be releasing the final slate of candidates along with the respective resume, to the membership on or before August 17, 2022.
The election for the positions will take place during Hockey NL’s Annual Meeting on September 16-18, 2022, in Gander.
Candidates can be nominated for more than one position, however, if elected in a higher position, their name will be removed from any subsequent ballot.
There will be no acclamations and members will have the ability to abstain in elections for council as per Hockey NL By-Law 4.08.
There will be no elections for the Directors as they are all currently serving a two-year term.
Nominations are now open for the following positions.
Minor Council Executive Committee
Vice Chair (one-year term)
Secretary (two-year term)
Eastern Member (two-year term)
Tri Pen Member (one-year term)
Central Member (two-year term)
Western Member (one-year term)
Northern Member (two-year term)
Female Council Executive Committee
Vice Chair (one-year term)
Secretary (two-year term)
Eastern Member (one-year term)
Tri Pen Member (two-year term)
Central Member (one year term)
Western Member (two-year term)
Northern Member (two-year term)
Junior Council Executive Committee
Vice Chair (one-year term)
Secretary (two-year term)
3 (three) Members at Large (two- (2) two-year terms and one (1) one-year term) based on the number of votes.
Senior and Adult Recreation Council Executive Committee
Vice Chair (one-year term)
Secretary (two-year term)
Please CLICK HERE for Nomination Form.
Thank You