The Tri Pen AAA program will be hosting the first try out for the Bantam Female team at the Placentia Arena on Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.

Players will be on the ice from 3-4:30pm and 5:30-7pm.

The fee for registration is $65 per player.  Eligible players must be 13 or 14 years of age by December 31, 2013.  Any female player registered and actively participating in female hockey in her home association, where female hockey is available, is welcome to try out.  Players are only permitted to try out for either minor or female AAA teams but not both.

Players taking part are asked to bring along a white and a dark jersey for try outs.

To register please email your child’s name, date of birth, email address, phone number, position played and affiliated association to [email protected] no later than Thursday, Oct. 31st.

There will be a second round of try outs on December 1st at the Trinity Placentia Stadium from 2-3pm and 4-5pm. 

For further information please contact Renee Gilbert at 582-3889 or the email address above.

Thank you