TO:       All Minor Hockey Associations

FROM: Arnold Kelly, Chair, Hockey NL Minor Council

INFO:   Minor Council Executive Committee, Hockey NL
Hockey Development Committee, Hockey NL

DATE:  January 25, 2021

RE:      U7 & U9 Pathways

With ½ of the minor hockey season behind us it is a good time for associations to evaluate the implementation of both the U7 and U9 pathways that have been mandated by both Hockey Canada and Hockey NL. These programs are in place for the development of our young players and it is the responsibility of our minor associations, presidents and executive boards to ensure that these pathways are being followed.

Keeping with the U7/U9 theme, Hockey Canada allows a transition period. On the recommendation of Minor Council, and with the support of Hockey Development, the following transition period is approved. Associations have the option to implement a full ice program for graduating U9 players starting no earlier than March 1, 2021. This program is strictly for graduating U9 players and can be a maximum of 8 hours long with a maximum of 50% of those 8 hours being used for full ice games with the other 50% being dedicated to practice.

Hockey NL wishes to thank all of those associations that are providing the U7 and U9 pathway instruction to their players and hopes that any who are not will do so from this point forward.

Enjoy the rest of your season!

Arnold Kelly
Hockey NL Minor Council