U13 AA/AAA Female Update
In recent months, Metro Association Presidents have voted to eliminate double carding for all players for the 2024-25 season. As a result, all Female players in the Metro region are eligible to be rostered to one team, only. Since its commencement in 2016, the Female AAA/AA Provincial League has required girls to double card in both their home associations and the AAA/AA program. The Female AAA/AA Policy Manuel states this player eligibility rule below:
1.4 In order to be eligible to participate in U13/U15 AAA/AA and U18AA, players must register in the female program in their minor hockey association. If there is no female team available in the player’s minor hockey association the player must register with the nearest association’s female program and be rostered on their female team. Discretion on eligibility may be approved by the Female Council Executive Committee.
As a result of the changes to double carding by the Metro Association Presidents, there will be a direct impact on the female players in the Metro region.
U13 AAA/AA Eastern
The Eastern AAA zone will not be participating in the U13 AAA/AA program this season. Female U13 AAA/AA players in this zone are eligible to try out for the DJHL Puffins (https://djhl.ca/index.php) or with their home association Metro Female programs.
The U13 AAA/AA league will be composed of 3 teams (Central, TriPen and Western) seeing tournament play starting in November. Discussions will be held between the Female Council and the Central, TriPen and Western teams to ensure the format of this league provides the best development opportunities to the players.