
Date of Birth: 1925
Place of Birth: Victoria, Nfld.
Inducted: 1995 (Builder Category)

Walter Clarke was involved with an extremely large number of events and happenings that had a tremendous effect on hockey within Newfoundland and Labrador.

The affiliation of the Newfoundland Amateur Hockey Association with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association benefited from his involvement from 1953 to 1966. He was the only individual connected with all negotiations that led to the most important move. He filled several important positions with the CAHA, including director of senior hockey for three years, and was NAHA delegate for 10 years. He was the first Newfoundlander to receive the CAHA Order of Merit.

At the provincial level, Clarke served on the NAHA executive for 25 years, first as secretary-treasurer and then as vice-president, working with six NAHA presidents. The incorporation of the NAHA and the establishment of its office in Grand Falls-Windsor were two examples of his contribution to provincial hockey. While there are many aspects of his service that stand out, Walter Clarke was most effective in the day-to-day operation of hockey in Newfoundland and Labrador, and nobody had a more beneficial influence on the expansion and improvement of the sport.

In the immediate Grand Falls-Windsor area, Clarke worked and served in all types of positions. He was a coach, a referee and a stadium announcer. He helped organize all aspects of hockey and often provided great support in fund-raising and the hosting of games, tournaments, championships and meetings. Working with similar minded individuals, Clarke helped greatly to put hockey on the map locally, provincially and nationally.